MIST Applications

Department of Architecture

Assoc Prof. Md Sazzad Hossain of Department of Architecture, MIST delivered lectures at Charles University, Prague as a Visiting Professor.

Assoc Prof. Md Sazzad Hossain of Department of Architecture, MIST delivered lectures at Charles University, Prague as a Visiting Professor.

Mohammad Sazzad Hossain, Associate professor, Department of Architecture, MIST was invited by the Charles University, Prague to give lectures at Postgraduate level. From 8 to 26 April 2019, Prof. Hossain was associated with the International Master’s Program “TEMA+ European Territories: Heritage and Development” at Charles University and his key responsibilities were to give lectures, conduct seminars and carry out research activities with focus on History of Architecture, Built Heritage and Conservation. It may be mentioned that Charles University is one of the leading Universities in Europe. In 2012 Mr. Hossain also taught at the University of Padua which is another reputed University in Italy.


It may be mentioned that Assoc Prof. Hossain is already recognized at National and International level for his expertise in the field of Heritage and Conservation. He is the current President , South Asian Chapter, Erasmus Mundus Association; General Secretary of Bangladesh National Committee, International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and Secretary ,Heritage and Culture, Institute of Architects Bangladesh(IAB).

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